Review: ClaDun x2
Written by Anne Lee | Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Platforms: | Playstation Portable, exclusively on Playstation Network |
Publisher(s): | NIS America |
Developer(s): | Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. |
Genre(s): | action RPG |
Release Date: | August 30, 2011 |
ESRB Rating: | Teen |
Buy It/Rent It/Skip It?: | Buy it |
A week ago, NIS America quietly released ClaDun x2, the sequel to the well-received but seriously overlooked ClaDun: This is an RPG!, on the PSN. Short for ?classic dungeon,? the ClaDun games feature dungeon crawling mixed with action-based combat and complex RPG systems. This time around, ClaDun x2 offers three new character classes, new weapons, armor, and enemies, as well as new magic circles and abilities and virtually limitless customization options.
Like its predecessor, ClaDun x2 takes place in a floating world called Arcanus Cella. The funny thing about Arcanus Cella is that once you get there you can never leave, because it has no exit. The only door leads to countless dungeons, which you decide to fight through because? Well, because you?re stuck on an island without much else to do, really. After each pre-made dungeon, which consist of 4 levels, you will be treated to some more colorful dialogue between the other residents of Arcanus Cella, who generally beg you not to continue to put yourself in danger any more. In traditional NISA fashion, the characters are humorous and quirky, but the truth is the simple story is only an excuse to get to the real meat of the game: dungeon crawling and customization.
Let me show you my rubber chicken
The game also has a built-in system that allows you to take your own screenshots by pressing select. Look, it's my guardian Apricot!
Unlike ClaDun: This is an RPG!, ClaDun x2 forces you to create your own character from the get-go, and the seemingly limitless editing options that present themselves are overwhelming at first. There are a number of pre-made characters to choose from whose hair color and skin tone you can edit yourself, but it?s also possible to edit every last pixel, from weapons to armor and even the face your character makes when they die.
Not only are characters customizable, but the music ? which comes in both ?retro? and ?modern? styles ? can be edited as well. It?s worth noting that, just like the original ClaDun, the ?modern? music is very well done. Not much beats dungeon crawling along to a jazzy sax tune. There are also relationship charts at your disposal, and even though they are completely cosmetic, you can amuse yourself with making relationship trees for your party if you are so inclined. If you?d rather just jump into the action, however, you can easily skip much of the customization the game has to offer, but there is certainly a plethora of ways to make the experience unique for players who are willing to put in the time to do so.
In your floating home base at Arcanas Cella, you have the opportunity to purchase weapons and armor, create new characters, and ready yourself before venturing through a door into the dungeons. Both the most daunting and potentially rewarding aspect of?ClaDun x2?lies here, in a diagram-like system called Magic Circles. See, even though you are creating legions of characters to fight for your cause, you really only control one of them at a time as your main character, while the others act as human shields and power up your main character using various items called artifacts. The only stats that matter for these sub characters are HP and MP, as their HP acts as your HP, and MP is used when assigning artifacts. The only way to become truly powerful in?ClaDun x2?is to fully utilize these Magic Circles by switching them often, as well as switching your main character every few levels so that your party grows together. This is because not only do Magic Circles boost your main character?s stats, but they also aid in the growth of your sub characters. It may sound confusing in theory, and it certainly?looks?confusing, but after some hands-on time it becomes much less scary.
Kill some monsters, gain some loot
Once you?ve got Magic Circles and equipment ready to go, it?s time to head into the dungeons. There are both pre-made dungeons, which advance the game?s story as you complete them, as well as randomly generated dungeons, or Ran-geons, that become available after a couple hours of play. In true sequel fashion ClaDun x2 offers not one but two styles of Ran-geons, known as Neo-geons and Tri-geons. Both feature 99 levels with better loot and more difficult monster possibilities than the regular dungeons, offering much incentive to spend some time in them, especially early on in the game when good items are particularly scarce.
Neo-geons are a single tower, where the goal is simply to continue down as far as you can go, but venture to the Tri-geons and you?ll be presented with three towers connected by hallways for an even more taxing fight but potentially much more rewarding haul. At the end of each floor you will find yourself faced with a number of randomly generated stairs, some beneficial and some that could mean certain death. Tower exits are also randomly generated, so it?s up to you how much you?re willing to gamble. Will you continue further, at the risk of facing tougher enemies and loosing all the loot you?ve collected, or will you turn back early and miss out on potentially greater rewards?
None of these options are looking too good...
Each dungeon level, be it Ran-geon or pre-made, is relatively short, and some can be completed in as little time as 20 seconds. This, along with very little penalty for dying (you loose all the loot you?ve collected and only gain half the exp. and gold), means that you can really experiment with play styles and get a feel for the gameplay.
Experimentation is key
And experiment you shall, for the one biggest shortcomings of this PSN-only release is its lack of a physical instruction manual. ClaDun x2 really throws you into the action, and even if you are familiar with ClaDun: This is an RPG!, there will be new things ? such as a mysterious system called ?SP debt? that isn?t mentioned until very late in the game ? that remain unexplained and incomprehensible without a bit of trial and error. The game does offer some various tips in the form of a ship full of little birds called piyos as well as an in-game dictionary, but these FAQs are more convoluted then they are helpful, and I found that just diving in and trying out a variety of things helped me more than any of the textual explanations did.?There is actually a digital manual that comes with the download, which you can be access before loading the game by pressing triangle. It?s a whopping 98 pages, and I suggest only giving it a read if you find yourself with specific questions.
If you're anything like me, you'll probably get your ass handed to you more than a few times...
While you?re busying grinding through levels, you may want to take a step back every once in a while and consider replaying past dungeons for fame. Fame is acquired by beating dungeon levels within a certain amount of seemingly absurdly short amount of time, but if you want to unlock 3 of?ClaDun x2?s classes, you?re going to have to amass at least 50 fame in order to unlock a secret shop where the classes can be purchased, along with other various special items. Some may be turned off by the prospect of repeating the same dungeon upwards of 10 times, but when even the hardest dungeons only take about 10 minutes to complete, it really doesn?t feel like that much of a chore. Most of the time you?ll be clearing dungeons in 2-3 minutes max, and if you?re looking at increasing your fame, you?ll be racing through them in under 40 seconds.
Breaking it down
It is worth nothing that unlike its predecessor, ClaDun x2 does not support cooperative multiplayer, but instead only allows you to view other player?s characters and various other data by transporting you to their tavern. Though ClaDun: This is an RPG!?s multiplayer was noted as being particularly laggy, some may be disappointed that ClaDun x2 does not offer any at all. The graphics themselves do not seem to be much of an upgrade, and many will probably find the backgrounds in particular to be eerily familiar. Increased enemy types and character possibilities keep things looking fresh, however, and fans of the original should be pleased with all of the new content?ClaDun x2 has to offer.
Fans of retro-style graphics, quirky premises, and limitless customization options need look no further than ClaDun x2. Though the completion of the story will probably not take you longer than 20 or so hours, there are still many many more hours of dungeon crawling to be had in the neo-geons and tri-geons. Those looking for a deep RPG experience that is perfect for on-the-go play should not be turned off by the game?s overwhelming introduction, but rather stick around for a few hours and get their noses wet. Though certainly not for everyone, those willing to give it a chance will find it to be a playground for the imagination that is both immersive and surprisingly full of deep RPG systems.
Editor?s note: The game was played for a total of 18 hours, with the the game?s various customization options and Ran-geons explored extensively. A review code of the game was provided by NIS America.?
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About the Author
Anne Lee will tell you whether or not you're missing out when it comes to those pesky Japan-only releases. When she isn't researching gender and sexuality in Japanese popular culture, she's playing the quirkiest games she can get her hands on. Region locking is the bane of her existence.
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