Friday, June 24, 2011

Health Insurance ? a security against medical emergencies | Car ...

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Answer by Vicky
Last year I had a big problem trying to find an affordable insurance and this site helped me getting quotes from different companies and a found a cheap option, it can help you Free Insurance quotes

Article b? Jiten

Y?? m?ght h??? heard ?f th? ancient saying,? Health ?? Wealth? wh??h seems a simple sentence b?t ?t? significance ?nd meaning ?? ?? deep wh??h ???? th?t th? wealthiest business ??? w?ll ???r ?wn ?? ????ll?nt health. Being ?n extremely rich doesn?t d? ??? much ????ll?nt ?f ???r health isn?t ????ll?nt ?nd ??? ??n?t delight ?n th? cash. Rich ?r poor, health ?? th? one business th?t ?ll ?f ?? try t? aim f?r b?????? ??r happiness lies ?n ??r ????ll?nt health. Of course cash d? matters ??n?? w? human beings h?? always strived t? find cash sources b?t a proper health ?? one ?f th? m??t precious possessions w? ??n h??? ?n th?? world. It ?? a treasure w? ?h??ld always remember t? protect ?nd take ????ll?nt care ?f & thus now health h?? become equivalent t? th? value ?f wealth. Though w? ??nn?t d? much t? prevent wh?t ?? going t? happen b?t b? taking up precautionary measures, w? ??n ??rt??nl? protect th? wealthiest business ?f ??r life i.e. health. Thus ?t becomes ?? much vital th?t w? reliable ourselves w?th a reliable health insurance ?l?t.

Health Insurance ? Wh?t ?? ?t?

Health insurance ?? nothing b?t a safeguard, a scheme th?t takes care ?f a person?s health wh?n accidental ?nd sudden medical emergencies occur. In ?th?r words, ?t w?ll provide a cover t? ??? ?nd ???r family against sudden medical emergency. Here th? insured person ?? expected t? pay a specific premium amount regularly t? utilize coverage benefits. Depending ?n th? premium paid, th? health insurance policy w?ll pay specified amounts f?r th? medical expenses incurred t? overcome th? health problem.

Y??r health insurance policy ?? going t? b? ???r security, wh??h w??ld pay f?r medical expenses ?f ??? face ?n emergency; including disability ?r long-term nursing, depending ?n th? ?l?t ??? ?h????. Thus ??? ??n rest assured th?t unexpected expenses ?n case ?f medical emergencies w?ll never find ??? helpless.

Wh? Health Insurance?

Health ?? ?n asset ?? w? ?ll know. W? ?r? ?l????d, ?nl? ?f w? ?r? healthy. Thus here arises th? need ?f ?n health insurance. Al??, medical expenses h??? sky rocketed th??? days. An appointment w?th a doctor m?ght churn out ???r h?g? bucks. Th? detailed medical treatment expenses ???ld eat ?nt? ???r savings meant f?r th? prospect. Thus health insurance policy kicks ?n t? ensure th?t ??? g?t th? required treatment ?nd ???r pocket ?? still under control.

Health insurance ?? required wh?n ?n individual ?? ill ?r requires medical checkups. It ??n prevent th? patient fr?m being expected t? pay out ?f pocket expenses towards medical bills b?????? th?? d? n?t h??? ?n? health insurance. Without health insurance, one m?? even n?t b? ?bl? t? afford expensive medical services wh?n needed.

Benefits ?f Health Insurance:-

If ??? ?r? taking care ?f ?ll ???r expenses ?n ???r ?wn th?n ?t ?? a wise ?h???? t? b?? ?n individual health policy. Ideally ??? ?h??ld look f?r th? following benefits th?t th??? health policies give l?k?:-

It provides coverage f?r ???r hospitalization ?nd medical bills. It reduces saving h?g? amount ?f financial losses, risk ?f financial breakdown ?n case ?f expensive medical ?nd post-illness care.It induces a significance ?f financial security t? th? insured & h?? family members.It ?l?? provides a monthly benefit t? h?l? maintain financial stability wh?l? ??? restore ???r health fr?m a disability.

Thus health insurance ??n h?l? ??? ?nd ???r l???d ones t? maintain th? same lifestyle. It ??n pay th? bills, reliable better health care ?nd allow ??? t? focus ?n wh?t?s vital?recovery.

Types ?f Health Insurance:-

Th?r? ?r? mainly three types ?f Health Insurance covers:

1.Group insurance : Group medical insurance offers insurance cover t? a group w?th a common trait ? ?t m?? b? employees ?f a company, members ?f a club ?r ?n association ?r members ?f a co-operative society etc. Many employers now provide medical insurance ?? a perquisite t? th??r employees.

2.Individual Mediclaim : Th?? ?? th? simplest form ?f health insurance policy & caters t? th? specific needs ?f ?n individual. It covers th? hospitalization expenses f?r ?n individual f?r up t? th? sum assured limit. Th? insurance premium ?? needy ?n th? sum assured value.

3.Family Floater Policies : Th??? policies ?r? enhanced version ?f th? mediclaim policy. A floater ?? a unique ?l?t wherein th? value ?f sum insured opted ??n b? used b? ?ll th? members ?f th? family i.e each opted family limb comes under th? policy. Th? premium f?r family floater plans ?? typically less th?n th?t f?r separate insurance cover f?r each family limb. Family floater m?k?? significance f?r a family b?????? each one ?n family gets a h?g? cover.

Before going f?r a health policy, ??? need t? investigate ?nd know th?m well. It w??ld b? a ????ll?nt th??ght t? visit th? sites ?f th? various health insurance companies online t? know wh?t th?? offer. Y?? ???ld take th?? one step further b? meeting up w?th th? agents ?f th? various insurance companies, wh? w??ld th?n advise ??? ?n wh?t health policy ?? available w?th th?m ?nd h?w th?t ??n b? matched t? ???r requirements.

Thus ?t ?? vital t? reliable yourself w?th a reliable & strong health policy ?? ?t ?? th? need ?f th? hour b?????? th?r? ?r? many hazards around ??? th?t m?ght hinder ???r ????ll?nt health. Y?? ??nn?t b?? ?health? b?t ??n stay reliable b? buying health insurance policy ?f ???r ?h???? t? face ?n? medical emergency. S?, g? g?t th? r?ght health ?l?t ?nd reliable yourself.

Ab??t th? Author

Health Insurance,Health Insurance India


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