Sunday, March 31, 2013

Little Cyprus thumbs its nose at EU 'bullies'

NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) ? The moment word broke that Cypriot lawmakers in Parliament had voted down a bailout deal that would have raided everyone's savings to prop up a collapsing banking sector, a huge cheer rose up from hundreds of demonstrators gathered outside that echoed through the building's corridors.

Many relished it as a kind of David-against-Goliath moment ? a country of barely a million people standing up to the will of Europe's behemoths who wanted it to swallow a very bitter pill to fix its broken-down economy.

"Shame on Europe for trying to snatch people's savings. It's a mistaken decision that will have repercussions on other economies and banking systems," said protester Panayiotis Violettis. "People have stopped trusting the EU which should be our protector."

Fighting back is not a new experience for Cypriots. From the 1950s guerrilla war against British rule to Greek Cypriots' defiant refusal in 2004 to accept a U.N.-backed peace plan to reunite the island, they are used to holding their own against big opponents.

Just as quickly as Cyprus' euro area partners decided that a deposit grab was the only way out, so Cypriots decided their tiny island was ground zero in Europe's new financial scorched earth policy and that it had to be resisted at all costs.

"Better die on your feet than live on your knees," one placard among the throngs of protesters read. Another said: "It starts with us, it ends with you" as a warning to other Europeans that their savings were no longer safe.

Politicians seized on the public mood. "This is another form of colonization," Greens lawmaker Giorgos Perdikis spouted in Parliament. "We won't allow passage of something that essentially subjugates the Cypriot people for many, many generations.

"Unfortunately, instead of support and solidarity, our partners offered blackmail and bitterness," said Parliamentary Speaker Yiannakis Omirou. The indignant leader of the country's Orthodox Christian Church, Archbishop Chrysostomos II, added: "This isn't the Europe that we believed in when we joined. We believed we would receive some kind of help, some support."

The country's foreign minister, Ioannis Kasoulides, even acknowledged that Cypriot negotiators had contemplated exiting the euro instead of accepting their euro area partners' terms.

In the end, Cyprus accepted a deal that would safeguard small savers but where depositors with more than 100,000 euros in the country's two most troubled banks would lose a big chunk of their money.

Nonetheless, Europe was stunned at the sheer brazenness. How could a pipsqueak country on Europe's fringes thumb its nose to continental juggernauts Germany and France and dare to turn down a deal meant to save it from economic chaos?

It's not the first time the country has pushed back in defiance, even against what many would consider as insurmountable odds. The island's majority Greek Cypriots fought former colonial ruler Britain to a draw in a four-year guerrilla campaign in the 1950s that aimed for union with Greece. That conflict ended in the country's independence in 1960.

Just 14 years later, a Turkish invasion prompted by an abortive coup by supporters of union with Greece resulted in the island's division into an internationally recognized, Greek-speaking south and a breakaway, Turkish-speaking north.

The invasion and its fallout remains an existential matter in the minds of Cypriots and it still informs many of the political and economic decisions the country and its people make.

"Greek Cypriots lost nearly everything during the 1974 invasion," said University of Cyprus History Professor Petros Papapolyviou. "So they reason, what else do we have to lose? Why accept another injustice?"

In 2004, Greek Cypriots again defied international expectations when they voted down a United Nations-backed reunification plan they believed was unfairly weighted against them.

A few days later, the island joined the European Union and some EU leaders were left fuming at what they saw as Greek Cypriot deceit for promising to sign up to a peace deal in exchange for EU membership.

Nearly a decade later and European acrimony at the Cypriot "no" hasn't entirely dissipated. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaueble told the Sunday edition of German newspaper Welt am Sonntag that "Cyprus was admitted to the EU in hopes that the plan of then-U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan to overcome the (island's) divide would be honored."

"I interpret (that) as indicating a sense of vindictiveness rather than rational, result-oriented thinking." said University of Cyprus Associate Professor Yiannis Papadakis.

Were the tough bailout terms some sort of belated punishment? Whether that's true or not, such notions only feed a Cypriot proclivity for conspiracy theories. As in other small, insular societies, threats ? real or imagined ? sharpen a sense of collective victimhood.

Papadakis said Cypriots see their political culture as underpinned by personal relationships. Hence their reference to "friends" instead of "allies," which implies a more pragmatic relationship.

"That's why Greek Cypriots often complain of a 'betrayal from our friends'," he said. But it's wrong for the EU to foist all the blame on Cypriots when things go awry, Papadakis added.

"I believe that the rest of the EU has made a large share of mistakes during this arduous process."


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My grandfather is dying | A Lateral Plunge: Where life goes from here...

My grandfather is?dying

Posted by Peaches on March 30, 2013 ? 7 Comments?

And I should care more than I do.

At least, that?s what I?ve been taught. You?re supposed to care about your family. You?re supposed to stand by them, be concerned about them, and feel something when things go very well or very badly for them. When one of them is on their death bed, you?re supposed to be distraught. You?re supposed to know some of their likes and dislikes, talents, beliefs?something.

All those sentiments are very true for one side of my family. They are the living definition of family for me and I love Facebook even more because it allows me to remain close to all these people even though we are spread across wide distances. (I add that because so many people complain about the superficiality that it breeds.)

On this side of the family, first, second, and third cousins, aunts, great aunts and uncles, and especially grandparents, always know what is going on in my life and I in theirs. An assortment of food dishes at a church potluck.They call and send cards and I do the same (when we can and Facebook isn?t just easier). If somebody is diagnosed with cancer, everybody sends flowers or sweets and that person is never alone unless they request it. If they need blood transfusions or a kidney or something, somebody has it and it is given. At the yearly reunion (which for the ones who live mostly in the same area is just an excuse to have a party because they still see each other regularly) there is always waaaay to much food. We?ve had to start inviting good family friends into the fold just to get rid of some of the food. There?s in-fighting and gossiping, and sibling rivalry between generations much older than mine, but it?s all encased in a tough-nut shell of love; of? ?this is my tribe?. I?ve never been ignored because they somehow found me shameful or revered because of anything I?ve accomplished. I?ve always just been treated as me, occasionally as ?B?s granddaughter?.

If one of my grandparents on that side were dying, I would be home right now, instead of writing this blog; damn the consequences.

That is my family.

The other side of my ?family?, the one this grandfather is from, has never shown me any of that. None of the cousins, aunts, uncles, or either of the grandparents regularly treated me as anything but a nuisance, or perhaps a smudge on the family name. I remember being really sick in elementary school once and neither of my parents could be reached at work and my grandparents on the other side of the family were out of town so the school eventually called these grandparents to come get me from school. I was placed on a couch, given a puke bucket, not allowed to watch TV or drink clear soda (water only), and warned I shouldn?t stain the furniture, and that I was to lay still and be quiet until my mother could come get me. All in all, they?d tout their relation to me when it was convenient; if I had just lost a bunch of weight, or was going to a school dance with some local leader?s son, or when I got accepted to university in London. Otherwise, they seemed to prefer pretending I didn?t exist, at least not on their family tree, so I have trouble feeling close to them.

But now that grandfather is dying.

My mom pressured me to call him. So I did.

"Kellogg" brand "candle stick&q...

?Kellogg? brand ?candle stick? style telephone from c. early 20th century. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It was the most awkward 3 minutes I?ve had in a long time and I was just fired a month ago.

He asked who it was and I told him and he had to think for a while. (I guess there are 18 of us grandchildren, even though I have been around for nearly 27 years and he isn?t senile.)

He told me I hadn?t called in a while. (I guess he remembers something! I did call once a few years ago but he sounded like I had interrupted something and indicated he had to go quickly so that phone call lasted maybe 30 seconds longer than this one. I was trying to wish him a Merry Christmas.)

I asked how he was doing and he told me (he?s sick, duh, and hoping to get better) and I asked what he?s been up to (coming home early from Florida because he?s sick, don?t I feel like an idiot).

He asked if I was coming home soon. (I just started a new job two weeks ago. I told him this and said I couldn?t get any time off right now. I told him I was planning to come home for Christmas.)

He asked what my new job was. (I said I worked at a newspaper.)

Oh? (Yeah, grandpa, I?m a reporter.)

He asked if that?s what I got my degree for and his tone sounded funny, but to be fair his voice is raspy now. (Yeah. I have a journalism degree.)

?You finished that?? he asked and sounded a little incredulous. (Ouch. Yeah. Yeah, I finished it.) ?Well, I guess that?s good.? (I?m super duper fucking psyched but yeah, I guess that?s good.)

He reminded me Christmas is a long ways off. (It is. It?s the best I can do without spending thousands of dollars or putting my job and future at risk and leaving my husband behind for who knows how long. I didn?t say that last part. I just said it?s the soonest I could get time off. Enter even more awkward pauses.)

He said he had seen my mother and sister and they were going to dinner the next day. He said my mother has been really helpful in caring for him. (Umm?good. I?m glad she?s been helping. How do I respond to that?)

That last bit sort of went on loop a couple times. I still don?t know what to say to that. Maybe, ?I wish I could be there to help too?. I can?t, so it?s just words. I don?t have a clue.

Then I told him I loved him and he returned the gesture and that was pretty much it.

Until he called back 30 seconds later?and said he?d dialed the wrong number and excused himself quickly and hung up. Part of me will always wonder if he meant to dial again and say something more, and just didn?t at the last minute, or if it was an honest accident. Maybe he bumped the redial button.

I?m just left feeling more confused and cold every time I speak to somebody on that side of the family. Really, if one or two people would just reach out warmly, I would reach back so strongly with both arms.

I hate feeling so rejected and outside the loop, so it?s easier to be angry and then numb about the whole situation then walk around feeling not-good-enough all the time. I felt not-good-enough for a lot of years.

Now I just don?t let their opinion of me matter to me. This, sadly, means a lot of things start to not matter.

I?ve tried to summon tears for my impending grandfather?s death and the only tears I could summon were tears from old rejection wounds because he never gave me enough of himself to have something to mourn.

I felt the same way when his wife, my grandmother, died over ten years ago.

I wasn?t alone in that sentiment either. I?ve never been to another funeral with so few tears shed.

So, if anything can be taken from this whole sorry situation, it?s that if you care you should show it and if you don?t, you should at least still be kind. You?ll only live as long as your memory, so you better leave some people behind who want to remember you.

Now what to do about the guilt of not caring like I should?

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Filed under Blogging, Life, Opinion, The plunge ? Tagged with awkward, cancer, death, distance, Facebook, family, grandfather, guilt, phone calls, should i care


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Areva CEO says would be interested in Urenco stake: paper

PARIS (Reuters) - French nuclear group Areva would be interested in taking a stake in uranium enrichment firm Urenco, Areva's CEO was quoted as saying on Saturday.

Urenco, owned by the British and Dutch states and Germany's two top utilities, is up for sale and Areva - which already has a partnership with Urenco - is believed to be a leading contender to buy a stake in the firm. Areva so far had played down its possible interest in Urenco.

"If ever something were to happen in terms of Urenco's capital, clearly, we would have to be interested," Areva Chief Executive Officer Luc Oursel told French daily Le Figaro at the inauguration of its new enrichment plant.

An Areva spokesman confirmed he had made the comments.

Following Germany's decision to phase out nuclear energy, German utilities RWE and E.ON have decided to sell their combined 33 percent stake. The UK and the Netherlands also want to sell their 33 percent stakes.

At Areva's 2012 earnings presentation at the end of February, Oursel had dampened speculation that Areva was keen to buy a stake in Urenco, saying that Areva's priority was to restore its finances, not to plan any major strategic moves.

Urenco's shareholdership is governed by the Almelo treaty between Britain, Germany and The Netherlands, which aims to prevent proliferation of its top-secret uranium enrichment technology. A sale is complicated as it requires the go-ahead of the three governments.

Urenco is the world's second-largest uranium enrichment firm after Russia's Tenex and claims a global market share of 31 percent. Areva and U.S. USEC are also major nuclear fuel producers.

Areva and Urenco jointly own Enrichment Technology Company (ETC), which produces uranium enrichment centrifuges exclusively for its two shareholders.

Urenco, whose enrichment technology is among the world's best-guarded technologies, is believed to worth around 10 billion euros.

Canadian uranium producer Cameco Corp has also expressed an interest in the nuclear fuel producer.

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB), one of the world's biggest pension funds, Japan's Toshiba Corp as well as a series of private equity players have also been cited as potentially interested in bidding for a Urenco stake.

(Reporting by Geert De Clercq; editing by Patrick Graham)


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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Virtual reality, goggles and all, attempts return

This publicity image provided by Oculus VR shows a virtual reality headset. The virtual reality headset, the doodad that was supposed to seamlessly transport wearers to three-dimensional virtual worlds, has made a remarkable return at this year's Game Developers Conference. After banking $2.4 million from crowd funding and drumming up hype over the past year, Oculus VR captured the conference's attention this week with a virtual reality headset that's more like a pair of ski goggles than those bulky gaming helmets of the 1990s. (AP Photo/Oculus VR)

This publicity image provided by Oculus VR shows a virtual reality headset. The virtual reality headset, the doodad that was supposed to seamlessly transport wearers to three-dimensional virtual worlds, has made a remarkable return at this year's Game Developers Conference. After banking $2.4 million from crowd funding and drumming up hype over the past year, Oculus VR captured the conference's attention this week with a virtual reality headset that's more like a pair of ski goggles than those bulky gaming helmets of the 1990s. (AP Photo/Oculus VR)

FILE - In this March 25, 2009 file photo, Video game enthusiasts attend the Game Developers Conference, in San Francisco. The schedule for the 2013 GDC held March 25-29, illustrates the dramatic changes that have reshaped the gaming industry in recent years, an evolution that's as much about business models as it is about pixels. GDC organizers have added a summit on free-to-play games, planned talks on topics like crowd funding and micro-transactions and coordinated panels with such titles as "Making Money with Mobile Gaming" and "Why Won't FarmVille Go Away?" (AP Photo/Ben Margo, Filet)

This publicity image provided by Oculus VR shows a virtual reality headset. The virtual reality headset, the doodad that was supposed to seamlessly transport wearers to three-dimensional virtual worlds, has made a remarkable return at this year's Game Developers Conference. After banking $2.4 million from crowd funding and drumming up hype over the past year, Oculus VR captured the conference's attention this week with a virtual reality headset that's more like a pair of ski goggles than those bulky gaming helmets of the 1990s. (AP Photo/Oculus VR)

FILE - In this March 25, 2009 file photo, Video game enthusiasts attend the Game Developers Conference, in San Francisco. The schedule for the 2013 GDC held March 25-29, illustrates the dramatic changes that have reshaped the gaming industry in recent years, an evolution that's as much about business models as it is about pixels. GDC organizers have added a summit on free-to-play games, planned talks on topics like crowd funding and micro-transactions and coordinated panels with such titles as "Making Money with Mobile Gaming" and "Why Won't FarmVille Go Away?" (AP Photo/Ben Margot, File)

(AP) ? It's back.

The virtual reality headset, the gizmo that was supposed to seamlessly transport wearers to three-dimensional virtual worlds, has made a remarkable return at this year's Game Developers Conference, an annual gathering of video game makers in San Francisco.

After drumming up hype over the past year and banking $2.4 million from crowdfunding, the Irvine, Calif.-based company Oculus VR captured the conference's attention this week with the Oculus Rift, its VR headset that's more like a pair of ski goggles than those bulky gaming helmets of the 1990s that usually left users with headaches.

"Developers who start working on VR games now are going to be able to do cool things," said Oculus VR founder Palmer Luckey. "This is the first time when the technology, software, community and rendering power is all really there."

While VR technology has successfully been employed in recent years for military and medical training purposes, it's been too expensive, clunky or just plain bad for most at-home gamers. Oculus VR's headset is armed with stereoscopic 3-D, low-latency head tracking and a 110-degree field of view, and the company expects it to cost just a few hundred bucks.

A line at the conference snaked around the expo floor with attendees waiting for a chance to plop the glasses on their head and play a few minutes of "Hawken," an upcoming first-person shooter that puts players inside levitating war machines.

Attendance was also at capacity for a Thursday talk called "Virtual Reality: The Holy Grail of Gaming" led by Luckey. When he asked the crowd who'd ordered development prototypes of the technology, dozens of hands shot into the air.

"There's been a lot of promise over several decades with the VR helmet idea, but I think a lot of us feel like Oculus and other devices like it are starting to get it right," said Simon Carless, executive vice president at UBM Tech Game Network, which organizes the Game Developers Conference. "We may have a competitive and interesting-to-use device, which you could strap to your head and have really immersive gaming as a result."

Sony Corp. and Microsoft Corp. are reportedly working on similar peripherals, as are other companies. Luckey contends that the innovations Nintendo Co. made with its Wii U, Sony is planning with its upcoming PlayStation 4, and Microsoft is likely tinkering with for its successor to the Xbox 360 don't seem like enough.

"We're seeing better graphics and social networks, but those aren't things that are going to fundamentally change the kind of experiences that gamers can have," said Luckey.

A growing list of high-profile game makers have sung the device's praises, including Atari founder Nolan Bushnell, "Minecraft" mastermind Markus Persson, id Software's John Carmack, "Gears of War" chief Cliff Bleszinski and Valve boss Gabe Newell.

Valve is planning to release a VR version of its first-person shooter "Team Fortress 2" for the Rift, but Luckey is hoping that designers in attendance at this week's conference begin creating games especially for the doodad.

"The doors are already open," noted Luckey. "People are already telling us things they want to do with the Rift that they can't do with traditional games."

Luckey said prototype versions of the technology are being distributed to developers now, and he anticipates releasing a version for consumers by next year.


Follow AP Entertainment Writer Derrik J. Lang at .



Associated Press


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N. Korea vows 'to settle accounts' with U.S.

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) ? North Korean leader Kim Jong Un warned Friday that his rocket forces were ready "to settle accounts with the U.S.," unleashing a new round of bellicose rhetoric after U.S. nuclear-capable B-2 bombers dropped dummy munitions in joint military drills with South Korea.

Kim's warning, and the litany of threats that have preceded it, don't indicate an imminent war. In fact, they're most likely meant to coerce South Korea into softening its policies, win direct talks and aid from Washington, and strengthen the young leader's credentials and image at home.

But the threats from North Korea and rising animosity from the rivals that have followed U.N. sanctions over Pyongyang's Feb. 12 nuclear test do raise worries of a misjudgment leading to a clash.

Kim "convened an urgent operation meeting" of senior generals just after midnight, signed a rocket preparation plan and ordered his forces on standby to strike the U.S. mainland, South Korea, Guam and Hawaii, state media reported.

Kim said "the time has come to settle accounts with the U.S. imperialists in view of the prevailing situation," according to a report by the North's official Korean Central News Agency.

Later Friday at the main square in Pyongyang, tens of thousands of North Koreans turned out for a 90-minute mass rally in support of Kim's call to arms. Men and women, many of them in olive drab uniforms, stood in arrow-straight lines, fists raised as they chanted, "Death to the U.S. imperialists." Placards in the plaza bore harsh words for South Korea as well, including, "Let's rip the puppet traitors to death!"

Small North Korean warships, including patrol boats, conducted maritime drills off both coasts of North Korea near the border with South Korea on Thursday, South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman Kim Min-seok said in a briefing Friday. He didn't provide more details.

The spokesman said that South Korea's military was mindful of the possibility that North Korean drills could lead to an actual provocation. He also said that the South Korean and U.S. militaries are watching closely for any signs of missile launch preparations in North Korea. He didn't elaborate.

North Korea, which says it considers the U.S.-South Korean military drills preparations for invasion, has pumped out a string of threats in state media. In the most dramatic case, Pyongyang made the highly improbable vow to nuke the United States.

On Friday, state media released a photo of Kim and his senior generals huddled in front of a map showing routes for envisioned strikes against cities on both American coasts. The map bore the title "U.S. Mainland Strike Plan."

Portions of the photo appeared to be manipulated, though an intriguing detail ? a bandage on Kim's left arm ? appeared to be real.

Experts believe the country is years away from developing nuclear-tipped missiles that could strike the United States. Many say they've also seen no evidence that Pyongyang has long-range missiles that can hit the U.S. mainland.

Still, there are fears of a localized conflict, such as a naval skirmish in disputed Yellow Sea waters. Such naval clashes have happened three times since 1999. There's also the danger that such a clash could escalate. Seoul has vowed to hit back hard the next time it is attacked.

North Korea's threats are also worrisome because of its arsenal of short- and mid-range missiles that can hit targets in South Korea and Japan. Seoul is only a short drive from the heavily armed border separating the Koreas.

"The North can fire 500,000 rounds of artillery on Seoul in the first hour of a conflict," analysts Victor Cha and David Kang wrote recently for Foreign Policy magazine. They also note that North Korea has a history of testing new South Korean leaders; President Park Geun-hye took office late last month. "Since 1992, the North has welcomed these five new leaders by disturbing the peace," they wrote.

U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told reporters Thursday that the decision to send B-2 bombers to join the military drills was part of normal exercises and not intended to provoke North Korea. Hagel acknowledged, however, that North Korea's belligerent tones and actions in recent weeks have ratcheted up the danger in the region, "and we have to understand that reality."

U.S. Forces Korea said the B-2 stealth bombers flew from a U.S. air base in Missouri and dropped dummy munitions on an uninhabited South Korean island range on Thursday before returning home. The Pentagon said this was the first time a B-2 had dropped dummy munitions over South Korea, and later added that it was unclear whether there had ever been any B-2 flights there at all.

The statement follows an earlier U.S. announcement that nuclear-capable B-52 bombers participated in the joint military drills.

Pyongyang uses the U.S. nuclear arsenal as a justification for its own push for nuclear weapons. It claims that U.S. nuclear firepower is a threat to its existence and provocation.

The two Missouri-based stealth bombers used in the South Korean drills probably weren't nuclear-armed, but experts say they're the aircraft that would likely be sent if Washington ever decides it does want to drop nuclear bombs on North Korea. The United States doesn't forward-deploy nuclear weapons in South Korea, Okinawa, Guam or Hawaii.

"The B-2 can reach targets from North Korea to Iran directly from Missouri, which is what the United States did in the early stages of operations against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq," analyst Jeffrey Lewis wrote in a post on earlier this month.


AP writers Jon Chol Jin in Pyongyang, North Korea, Sam Kim in Seoul and Eric Talmadge in Tokyo contributed to this report.


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A Word, Thief | Gail Goodwin

Everyone has something important to say and many want to write about it. ?They realise the value of recording and expressing their ideas and stories. The internet provides a new level of freedom for creative and intellectual expression. The law still has a quite a way to go to catch up if it is to protect creative and intellectual property with confidence. ??As a budding non-fiction writer, it is dishonourable and unethical to write and neglect to mention the many and varied influences, material and sources of your project. This is a matter of conscience as much as it is a legal issue.

Not everyone has the same conscience because not everyone has the same level of consciousness. The problem with relying on another?s conscience to do the right thing is that their conscience is probably at a different level to yours. You can tell this is the case because they steal your material, ideas or methods, or they use your trademark without permission, or they continue to use it even if they have been asked to cease and desist. In Australia, this is known as ?pushing your luck, mate,? which is usually said some time before they go for the legal jugular. ?If the thieves had a higher conscience about what they were doing, they would not steal your ideas, methods or use your trademarks. They would not pretend they were their property or that they created or invented them.

The conscience of those who try their hand at non-fiction writing do not appear to be bothered as they exclude their research references to other writers and their published materials, sources and other important academic details. It is also academically unsound. A book that does not mention reference material is much less credible than one that does.

As a non-fiction writer, it is unethical and often illegal to write without mentioning the source. The purpose of copyright is to protect the authors published works. This includes words published on blogs, social media, ebooks, websites, online magazines, emails, and of course hardcopy books, magazines, brochures, flyers, posters and other hard copy printed media. ?If you have been asked to discontinue using copyright material and you refuse, you may be held responsible by law for this action and you will be asked to financially compensate the holder of the copyright.

To read material for the purpose of gathering information to inspire or support a writing project is known as research.

To neglect to mention the source of your research is a breach of copyright.

Astute writers are highly intuitive. They have eyes in the back of their heads. They can spot their ideas and words being manipulated, paraphrased or plagiarised with the same shrewdness that tells them what their children are doing behind their backs.

It is also illegal to use trademarks without permission. If you don?t receive permission from the owner to use their trademark, then you are responsible for this action, and you may be asked to make financial compensation. If you have been asked to discontinue using the trademark and you have refused the request, then a demand for financial compensation will follow.

Trademarks and copyright of the written word are designed to acknowledge and protect the creative and intellectual property of the writer. To use a trademark that does not belong to you is a violation of the creative and intellectual boundaries of the owner as much as it is a violation of the creative and intellectual boundaries of the thief.

Wherever possible, a non-fiction writer who values the written word, and creative and intellectual property, and wants to maintain their integrity, and further their writing career, should endeavour to acknowledge others when they have influenced their writing, whether that is in a general way, in terms of ideas, or more specifically if a direct academic reference is required.

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Author, Counsellor and Director of Training at Body Soul Spirit


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Friday, March 29, 2013

Terri Herring Releases Statement On Her Nomination To Mississippi ...

Terri Herring sent a press release via Keith Plunkett today, thanking Gov. Phil Bryant for nominating her to the state Board of Health and touting her credentials for the position.

The release reads:

Terri Herring thanked Governor Phil Bryant today for his trust in nominating her to the Mississippi State Board of Health.

?I am honored by the confidence Governor Bryant has placed in me to serve in this very important post,? said Herring. ?The past twenty six years of my life have been dedicated to health issues and health care, and I am pleased to have an opportunity to continue that as a member of the State Board of Health.?

Herring and husband Clint own TrustCare in Ridgeland, Mississippi. TrustCare is a medical provider, specializing in walk-in urgent care, and occupational medicine. The Herrings have run the Kerioth Corporation, a family-owned real estate and development company since 1984. They are also partnered with St. Dominic Hospital to promote fitness through ?The Club?, with locations across metro Jackson and one in Hernando, MS.

Sister Dorothea Sondgeroth, Associate Executive Director of St. Dominic Health Services, recommended Herring and called her an ?outstanding nominee?. Sondgeroth said Herring has been a key asset in promoting women?s health issues and healthy living in Mississippi.

?Terri is a devoted mother and knows the importance of women?s health and has been heavily involved in community efforts that enhance family life and women?s health,? said Sondgeroth. ?I have known Terri for sixteen years and have worked with her as she championed the cause of protecting women?s and infants health and well-being.?

Herring has assisted young pregnant women across Mississippi through pregnancy resource centers to receive prenatal education, medical care, and financial assistance. She distributes $200,000 annually to resource centers across the state as founder and President of the Choose Life Advisory Committee.

Herring has been a featured speaker on women?s health issue in articles and on television across the globe. She is sought after as an advocate for women?s health, and on the subjects of fetal mortality, abstinence and reproductive education.

Herring is a controversial appointment, and one that I believe Bryant erred in making.

Herring is a devoted advocate for the pro-life movement, and she has a compelling story to tell about how she became involved. In the few times I?ve been around her, she?s been a delightfully pleasant person.

That said, Herring is a polarizing and politicized figure. In many ways, she is the embodiment of the pro-life movement in Mississippi and the banner-carrier for the effort to shut down the state?s only abortion clinic. You can love her or hate her, but you cannot deny that she is politically charged.

That?s one thing we don?t need on boards like the Board of Health.

If Bryant wants a pro-life member appointed to the board, then he should have no problem finding one. I know a number of pro-life doctors, nurses, hospital employees, attorneys and business leaders who would be terrific choices without introducing a polarizing presence into the board of health.

Understand that I?m not saying Herring has a polarizing personality or that she cannot be a professional participant. However, given the role she has chosen for herself, Bryant should choose someone different for the role on the Board of Health.

His choice here is clearly more about political pandering than it is about choosing a qualified, pro-life candidate to help oversee health care in Mississippi.


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The Most Accurate Map of Gay Marriage Support in America

Seen a few profile pictures change in support of gay marriage recently? The all-seeing eye of Facebook has seen quite a few, and from that ocean of data, it's whipped up a comprehensive map of gay marriage support in the America. More »


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Health Tip: How Did I Get Hemorrhoids? ?

Health Tip: How Did I Get Hemorrhoids?

Chronic constipation is a frequent cause

(HealthDay News) ? Hemorrhoids occur when blood vessels in the rectum become swollen and tender.

The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons says common risk factors for hemorrhoids include:

  • Having chronic constipation or diarrhea, or pushing too hard during bowel movements.
  • Being pregnant.
  • Having family members who have had hemorrhoids.
  • Sitting on the toilet for long periods.
  • Overusing enemas or laxatives, which can trigger problems with bowel function.
Related topics: Gastrointestinal Problems


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Helpful Tips And Advice For Home Improvement | How To Decorate

TIP! If you want to make your landscaping much more attractive, plant a tree. Landscaping can really enhance your home?s value.

Home improvement projects can be stressful, particularly if you are new to them. Regardless, it?s an essential part of being a homeowner. This article will help you get started on new projects if you have no idea how to begin.

Move your furniture away from your walls to make your home look bigger. This makes the room feel larger while giving it a more contemporary appearance.

TIP! When remodeling a bathroom, avoid overspending. A budget that is small still can do a lot for you while still letting things look like they cost a bit of money.

Does your home?s siding need updating? If so, the right insulation is key. You will surely save money on energy costs, and it also ups your resale value. It will put more money in your pocket!

TIP! To add texture and make your walls look unique, apply both glossy and flat paints of the same color. Start with 2 coats of the flat, and then add designs of your choice on top with the same shade of glossy paint.

You should always check to see if the company you have hired is legitimate. If that company doesn?t provide their physical address and just conducts business via phone, they may be small-time and may not be reputable. Stick with companies that are reputable.

TIP! Today?s solar panels are more efficient than ever and easier to install. Solar panels are a major investment, but you will lower your electric bills on the long term.

Rather than granite slab, consider using granite tiles. The cost of a really outstanding counter made of solid granite can easily get up into the mid four-figure range. It is possible to use granite tiles instead. This will only cost you a hundred dollars as opposed to a few thousand, and the look is just as good. Then, you can spend the money you save on another project to improve your home.

TIP! If you have a leaky roof, some of the first places you should look for the culprit would be skylights, around the chimney, wall step flashing, and low spots. Don?t forget to take a look at your gutters, too! Damaged gutters can create leaks in roofs since the water runs down the outside of the home.

Never forget the value in owning high quality doors. Your guests will be impressed by it because they enter and exit through it. A ill-fitted door that is poorly insulated can result in a lot of heat loss. Finally, if the door locks or frame are poor quality, then it can be easy for a burglar to break down the door.

TIP! Try using a sponge on your drywall. Instead of sanding out your drywall?s seams, take a sponge to them.

With all this knowledge, why put off getting started? Begin now with the tips in this piece. You will have fun while improving your house. Now that you know what you?re doing, it should be much easier.


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More than White House tours: Sequester hurts nationwide

Forget the cancellation of White House tours.

We asked Yahoo News readers to tell us how the deep automatic federal spending cuts known as the sequester are affecting their lives right now. And readers responded.

"We are cutting our spending and living more frugally because it looks like an $800 per month pay cut will be heading our way," wrote James Ferguson of Aberdeen, Md., whose wife works for the Department of Defense and faces furlough.

The sequester went into effect on March 1 after Congress and President Barack Obama failed to reach a major deficit-reduction deal. Some $85 billion in cuts were triggered, to be spread evenly across domestic and defense spending.

Obama has warned that the sequester could imperil the nation's slow economic recovery. Some conservative lawmakers have welcomed the cuts, saying it's a needed down payment on the type of cuts necessary to reducing the federal deficit.

A few respondents who emailed us or submitted entries through the Yahoo! Contributor Network said the impact of the cuts are far overblown. But the majority of those who reached out to Yahoo News were worried about furloughs for themselves or their spouses.

Readers also shared other concerns. Cassandra Friederichs told us that she and her husband, both veterans, are preparing for tuition assistance cuts; several readers looking for work explained how they are bracing for cuts in unemployment assistance; federal sales executive Carol Smouse said her office phones have stopped ringing as clients avoid their business; and one active-duty National Guardsman expressed outrage over facing a furlough because he also works as a civilian. Several respondents voiced concern about families with a disabled relative who may find their assistance cut.

Here are excerpts from some of the many submissions we received. Please note that some respondents requested their names be redacted due to concerns about their employment or military status:

Husband prepares to find part-time work for furlough day

Since 2006, my husband, Mac, has worked for the Department of Defense ...

Wendy Lunko and her husband, MacWith the sequester, however, he has already been told that everyone in his division will participate in furloughs. Of course, since everything in the government is related to politics, the furloughs will be one day each week, through the rest of the fiscal year, rather than allowing employees to opt for a 22-consecutive-day furlough, which would allow them to receive short-term unemployment. ...

I am very thankful I work full-time, as it means that while we still need to tweak our budget a bit, we will still have additional income. Mac is also exploring options for a part-time job, but until he is told exactly what day will be his furlough day, he cannot do too much. While I admire his work ethic and his willingness to take on a second job, I know that it will mean I'll get to spend less time with him. ...

I generally think we need less government spending, yet the sequester makes no real sense to me. I think the cuts are rather politically motivated, and are overly dramatic to attract attention, like ending the White House tours.

?Wendy Lunko, Pennsylvania

Diabetic woman faces April reduction in unemployment benefits

Last week, I received a notification from the unemployment office that due to the sequestration cuts, "the federal government has directed us to reduce your EUC payments by 10.7% beginning that first week in April. We (state) have no control over these cuts in benefits and no ability to waive or reduce the level of cuts."

The 10.7% reduction may not seem like a lot to you, but [it] is to me. After my employer of 12 years closed their doors, I have been actively looking every day for the last 8 months for a job to no avail. After rent & utilities, I can barely manage to put food on my table. Not a good diet when you are a diabetic. I have cut down on my expenses. I've already sold my car, cut off my home phone, switched to basic cable TV/Internet, switched to a prepaid cellphone plan. I can no longer afford to pay for (COBRA) health insurance. Without health insurance, I can no longer afford to buy the diabetic testing supplies or medications recommended for controling this pre-existing condition.

?Connie Miller, New York

Sequester is not a big deal

Way overblown. Their budget is less but they still have same or more money to spend versus last year just the budget was reduced for this year. Any qualified business manager could handle this. ... They need to reduce spending. Politics.


Camp Lejeune, N.C., local worries about community

I believe the sequester will affect my personal income. I work at Johnston Community College in Smithfield, N.C. We had a budget meeting soon after the sequestration took effect, and I asked our comptroller if the college would be affected by those budget cuts.

Stephen Link at Johnston Community CollegeThe answer: "Not likely in this budget year." Of course, "certainly not" would have been more preferable.

Since we are in close proximity to Camp Lejeune (in Jacksonville) and even closer to Seymour Johnson [Air Force Base] (in Goldsboro), we will be seeing effects of spending cutbacks through areas other than a paycheck.

Am I really worried for myself? No. Am I worried about the overall effect that this can have on our local economy? Certainly. My belief is that these troubles will touch all employees of local, state, and federal governments. The net result will extend the recession, cause higher crime, and possibly launch us back into an economic depression like this generation has never seen.

?Stephen Link, North Carolina

Border Patrol agent faces furlough and end of overtime

I am a Border Patrol Agent and very soon my fellow Agents and I will be facing massive cuts. Beginning April 7th, we will no longer be able to work overtime as well as facing one furlough day each pay period (every two weeks). The overtime is a necessity in order for Agents to maintain border security during shift changes as well as other things that may happen during a shift which may include tracking groups and filling out paperwork. We also work in very extreme conditions. During the summer, temperatures can reach up to 125 degrees while we work shifts up to ten hours. We also track groups through the mountains and desert never knowing what can be waiting for us. When April 7th comes, we will be losing approximately 40% of our annual income. Agents who came from all over the country to work in the southwest will now be unable to pay for their homes, student loans, etc. It seems like this is a joke to our government while they try to play the blame game. There are a lot of hard working agents out there who have sacrificed a lot in order to help secure our borders.

?Border Patrol agent, El Centro, Calif.

No White House tour and a cut to unemployment benefits

Congress' decision to let $85 billion in across-the-board, indiscriminate spending cuts directly impact my family's well-being in Chicago.

My daughter, an eighth-grader, was supposed to take the class trip to Washington, D.C., this summer. Because of the sequester, she and her classmates won't see the White House. The financial cuts prompted the White House to cancel tours.

My husband, who has been unemployed or non-scheduled from his job at the Illinois Department of Employment Security for the past six months, will be hit with a 10-percent cut to his benefits. That's almost $200 less from his already very slim unemployment check. If he does not get his IDES job back soon, our family would be cut off from the medical and dental insurance benefits and we'll be forced to sign up for a more expensive plan under COBRA.

President Barack Obama's decisions?instead of improving the lives of middle-class families?hurt their well-being at their core. I am not sure that a Republican president would have done a better job getting our nation to balance its finances; unfortunately, at present, we do not have an alternative.

?Irene Lankin-Duffy, Chicago, Ill.

Department of Defense employee faces furlough after 30 years of service

I will be furloughed one day a week for 22 weeks. I have been a federal employee for over 30 years. It saddens me that Washington could not resolve and compromise to avoid sequester cuts. I don?t wear a suit to work or work in D.C. Many of my civilian counterparts provide many hours of work away from home to support National Defense.

Several of my co-workers responded when asked to go to Japan and help after the tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster. How are our dedication and many years of loyal service repaid? ...

[Update: This reader shared a DOD email update with Yahoo News informing employees that furlough notices have been delayed for ?approximately 2 weeks? to allow the department to analyze the impact of ?continuing resolution legislation on the Department?s resources.?]

?Federal employee, Hampton Roads, Va.

Active-duty National Guardsman faces furlough in civilian-military gray area

This is my twelfth scheduled workday in a row, so this weekend is a little more eagerly awaited than most. What had not been eagerly awaited was my furlough letter, advising me that in 30 days, I will be subject to 22 mandatory days off for the remainder of this fiscal year?effectively a 20% cut in pay. ... I haven?t told you who my employer is yet, have I? It?s the U.S. Air Force. ...

Long story short, I have military skill training qualifications and uniform, but a DoD civilian paycheck. Then, one weekend a month and two weeks a year, I show up at the same base, in my same uniform, in my same work area and get paid by the Air Force according to my military rank for my reserve duties. ...

I?m not exceptionally concerned whose fault the sequester is. I?m concerned that because I live in the gray area of military and civilian status, that I can still be sent to war, but I can?t get a full week?s paycheck because of the sequester.

?Technical sergeant, U.S. Air Force, Nevada National Guard motor vehicle operator, Reno, Nev.

Sequester doesn't go far enough

It's become a comically regular occurrence for members of both the legislative and executive branches of the U.S. government to make dire predictions of catastrophic shutdowns every time significant cuts to the federal budget are mentioned.

The most recent of these cuts (and one of the few to actually get through the legislative process) is the by now well-known sequestration measure. ...

For those who say these cuts are unsustainable, I respond by pointing out that neither is having a debt-to-GDP ratio of more than 100 percent. For those who say it's a step in the right direction, I say it's not even that. The deficit in 2023 will still be greater than it is now, even if the sequester cuts manage to stay in place. Sure, these cuts are better than none, but they're really just a fraction of a drop in the bucket.

?Ryan Hurley, Cincinnati, Ohio

Mylinda Elliott

Louisiana woman worries about the disabled and her paycheck

I live in Lake Charles, La., where I work for a nonprofit that helps families that have a member with a disability. Although I have not been directly affected by the sequestration yet, we are all holding our breath. Many of the programs that help our families are supported by funds we are being told will be cut.

If we lose funding, it will be funding for wages?more specifically my wages. ...

In the past year, I have worked with several families with a member with a disability to get Social Security. The cuts to the Social Security Administration may not cut their check, but will curtail the hours an office will be open, and close some offices. This will make it harder on families. It will take longer for me to be able to assist them. I will be able to reach fewer families.

?Mylinda Elliott, Lake Charles, La.

Maryland man?s wife faces furloughs totaling $800/month

We are cutting our spending and living more frugally because it looks like an $800 per month pay cut will be heading our way. The government is forcing my wife to take one day off per week, totaling four days per month, which comes to approximately $800 a month of lost income for our family. I am a full-time real estate agent; that is 100 percent commissioned salary. My wife's income was our steady, reliable income until the sequester. I am currently searching for part-time employment on top of my full-time position to supplement the income cut. ...

I also have often thought of the local businesses and restaurants that thrive off of the 30,000-plus APG employees who eat lunch every day in these establishments, and who shop and buy groceries and gas all around the proving ground. All of these businesses will be affected as well. Across the board, within the DoD, everybody will be taking off at least one day a week. This will ripple across the local economy.

What can be done to help or fix this situation? How about we start these budget cuts from the top down?

?James Ferguson, Aberdeen, Md.

Federal sales executive says phones have stopped ringing

Working in sales, your job is on the line every time you fail to meet quota, 3 months in a row of failing to achieve it means you will be put "on notice" and will be required to bring in enough sales to meet quotas, or be terminated. Now that the sequester is going into effect, our Federal customers do not want to meet with us. The dozens of emails we would get every day have stopped coming, our phones are not ringing, and we are not selling. ...

Because of my job uncertainty, I kept my current car and had the transmission replaced, rather than buy a new car. I would have rather bought a new car, mine is now 10 years old, but I was too afraid to take on a car payment when I could end up out of work at any time. My coworkers are all making similar decisions. We are nervous and unwilling to take on financial obligations when our future is so uncertain.

I know we all wonder what we will do.

?Carol Smouse

Military couple prepares for tuition assistance cuts

I am relying on the Tuition Assistance that used to be offered to the military to finish school a little earlier than planned so that I can find a job and help my daughter grow up in a middle-class home. My fiance and I are both denied the right to have that Tuition Assistance that we were both PROMISED upon signing our contracts to serve our countries. ...

I am not angry that they are making cuts because that is what needs to be done, but I am angry at where they are deciding to make those cuts. Why does Obama get paid what he does? Why do the Congressmen, that keep delaying things and making these budgets go past [their deadlines], get paid [as much as] they do? If my fiance were to do the things that Congress does, he would be FIRED!

?Cassandra Friederichs


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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Feminist Explorations of Knowledge: Present and ... - sociology@sau

Sociology Seminar Series 2013 Presents



Feminist Explorations of Knowledge: Present and Future of Engendered Anthropology

Through the historical trajectories vis--?a--?vis waves of women?s movements, the feminist inquiries have made it possible to recon with a host of issues, categories and political possibilities of change. Meanwhile, regional varieties of feminism have also emerged adding novel dimensions to anthropological attempts at knowledge production. This panel debates the conventional and recent orientations in feminist approaches in anthropological studies.


Ravinder Kaur

Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Rajni Palriwala
of Sociology, University of Delhi

Gitika Bapana,

Research Scholar, University of Delhi


Mary E? John
Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Women?s Development Study, Delhi


Mallika Shakya & Dev N Pathak,

Department of Sociology, SAU


Manoj Kumar Dhakal
MA Program in Sociology, SAU

Date and time :
3 April 2013; 02.15 pm

FSI Hall, South Asian University, Akbar Bhawan, Chanakyapuyri, New Delhi

All are Welcome

(Please have your mobile phones switched off? during proceedings)


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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Havok announces Project Anarchy, a new development engine for mobile gaming

Havok announces Project Anarchy, a new development engine for mobile gaming

Havok's involved itself with mobile gaming for a few years and it's now taken to this year's GDC to announce Project Anarchy. This new cross-platform mobile dev engine will include access to its own physics, animation and AI tools -- the same as those apparently used in notable series like Skyrim, Assassin's Creed and, er, Skylanders. It will also integrate Havok's Vision engine, adding in "game samples" and tutorials to ease mobile devs into crafting plenty of beautiful mobile games that hopefully involve less bird physics and approach something resembling our (admittedly zealous) mock-up above. We're itching to see those beastly smartphone processors pushed to their limits.

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Source: Project Anarchy


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