Sunday, October 2, 2011

8 Effects of Snoring for Health | Healthy Lifestyles Family

Effects of Snoring, that is our topic today. Healthy Lifestyle ? As we know, if snoring is bad habits of many people, because we can feel so upset if we hear their snore, and it make we can?t getting sleep. I think, the people which have this bad disease must losing their disease, because there are many Bad Effect of Snoring for Health. Do you know what is that ? Well, lets know 8 effects of Snoring for Health.

Effects of Snoring | Healthy Lifestyle

1. High Blood Pressure
Many kinds of research was found if sleep apnea or snoring when sleep is one of many causes high blood pressure (Hypertension). Snore level can affect blood pressure. High snoring levels can make you get High Blood Pressure. So, it?s mean if Hypertension or High Blood Pressure is the first effects of snoring.

2. Heart Disease
Second effects of snoring is increasing the risk of heart disease. Snoring can make irregular heartbeat, coronary heart disease, and congestive heart disease. In the research in 2006, said on Journal of the American College of Cardiology if Snoring or Sleep Apnea can affect heart. Heart patients with sleep apnea will swell and thicken the walls on the one side, and reduced pumping ability.

3. Stroke
Increased blood viscosity in patients with sleep apnea is a major cause of the increased risk of stroke. Stroke is another Effects of Snoring.

4. Brain Damage
Next effects of snoring. Research in the journal Sleep in 2008 gives an overview of brain imaging that proved irreversible damage to the brains of people with sleep apnea.

5. Depression
Research was found if Depression can caused by snoring or sleep apnea. Even mild sleep apnea had an increased risk of depression. This is other Effects of Snoring

6. Diabetes
Yes, Diabetes also one of 8 Effects of Snoring. Sleep apnea will interfere with the metabolism so the body does not tolerate glucose and insulin resistance. Effect of Snoring ? Various studies have also shown that sleep apnea is likely to be the cause of diabetes.

7. Obesity
Effects of Snoring ? Obesity also as the effect, because snoring or sleep apnea can increase the weight, because of they sleep on unhealthy and uncomfortable condition, and it can damage your metabolism, losing your appetite, and make you lazy to take exercise.

8. Dead
Two research in the journal Sleep in 2008 shown if the people with sleep apnea or snoring can have more highest risk of death than the people without sleep apnea or snoring. And this is last Effects of Snoring.


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